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Oxfam is the world's leading INGO tackling fiscal and gender inequality. For the past four years we have produced fundraising films and explainers for their flagship campaign. 


Client: Oxfam International

Project Manager: Victoria Harnett

Cinematography: Jed Galla

Edit & Creative Development: Jacob Stærk  

The story behind

In 2018 we traveled to Ghana to produce a series of portraits of young women. This assignment was the beginning of what is now a five year long working relationsship.

Oxfam is a global INGO fighting the rapid rise in fiscal, gender and racial inequality. Our work is centered around their flagship campaign targeting media and stakeholders during the annual Word Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland. By translating all films to multiple languages the organization is able to speak with one voice across the global federation.

In total, Stærk Film AS has delivered more than 400 films for Oxfams global advocacy and fundraising work -- formatet to different screens and translated to Spanish, French, Arabic and English.

What we also did for the client


Covid-nurse (series)

Graphic commercial


+ 47 41 280 827


© 2022 Stærk Film AS

Torvmyrane 5 6160 Hovdebygda

Org.-nr.: 829 017 172

All content copyright to Stærk Film AS

Portrait photo by Ståle Johan Aklestad




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